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17th May 2022
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Unlucky. Have another go.


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Solve as many Waffles as you can in 90 seconds!
Your time will start when you make your first swap.
Make as many swaps as you like.


Well done

Oh dear. No stars this time, I'm afraid. Give it another go!

Thank you so much for playing the Waffle Challenge! I hope you like it. It is rather difficult at first, but with a bit of practice, I'm sure you will be able to solve more than one. But if do you prefer the more relaxed pace of our daily Waffles, make sure to check out our Daily Waffle Archive. There are quite a few to get through in there.

Thank you so much for playing the Waffle Challenge! I hope you enjoyed that extra little diversion. And well done especially for solving more than one. It is quite a different experience, trying to solve with added time pressure. My top score is four Waffles. Let me know if you can beat that!

Bravo! Excellent work. Four Waffles is a marvellous achievement. I say that because that's also my top score! A friend of mine has managed to solve five Waffles in the time allowed. But I think that takes a fair bit of practice, even for me!

Oh, well done! That's an excellent score. Thank you for playing my Waffle Challenge and being so very good at it. Top job indeed!

If you are new here, you might like to try our regular Daily Waffle. It's a bit more relaxed!